The Chronic Comeback
Welcome to the Chronic Comeback Podcast channel. This podcast was set up by me, Phil Hadfield, as a way of focusing on the positives and steering away from the negatives of chronic illness. Comebacks are totally possible in any situation and in fact, your life can become better as a result of your setback and this podcast is all about interviewing those who have proven this...
The Chronic Comeback
Bianca Michele's Road to Recovery from Lyme Disease, Mold Toxicity, CFS, Mast Activation Syndrome and much more
In this episode, I speak to Bianca Michele. Bianca is an Author, Motivational Speaker, Podcast Host, health, mindset, and reiki practitioner. Her mission is to remind others of their inner power and the root causes of any imbalances within their health, mind, body, and soul to find balance and harmony.
In this episode she tells her story of overcoming Lyme disease, CIRS, Mold toxicity, mast cell activation, POTS and more, and the many realisations she has had along the way.
- How Bianca became symptomatic aged 21 with heavy fatigue, brain dog, neck ache, sensitivity etc and her many misgiagnoses
- Bianca's experience of getting tested for lyme disease, and the difficulties surrounding this
- Bianca's experience with hypothermia at a clinic in Malaysia
- How Bianca developed mold illness and had to move out of her home into a tent at her parents house and how this initially helped her
- How Bianca developed mast cell activation syndrome, and other health issues she was confronted by
- Bianca's discovery of The Secret, by Rhonda Byrne and how this started to change her outlook on life
- Bianca's life-changing experience seeing an energy healer and how this led to inner child work, and doing EMDR therapy
- Bianca's time frame from sick through her recovery
- How her relationship with her symptoms changed, and she gradually experienced them less
- How her chronic illness has affected the realationships in her life
- Bianca's advice for others going through chronic illness now
- Bianca's book, 'It Happened For Me' and how you can reach out to her
▶ The Secret, by Rhonda Byrne
▶ Bianca Michelle 's book 'It Happened For Me' was released just this week, and if you order the book from Amazon in the first week of publishing send a screenshot to biancasholisticway@hotmail.com, you'll receive a FREE BONUS Modality booklet and retraining video!
▶ Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/biancasholisticway
▶ Website - www.biancasholisticway.com
▶ Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/TheChronicCom
▶ Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/thechroniccomeback
▶ Apple Podcast - https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-chronic-comeback/id1533970626
▶ YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCW_BGsN1LaeL4iudgSNUw7A
▶ Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/show/71485tI9o4JPPkg1IpmDaX?si=ed48b5cefa0e43b2
Remember, the comeback is always greater than the setback 💪💪💪
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