The Chronic Comeback
Welcome to the Chronic Comeback Podcast channel. This podcast was set up by me, Phil Hadfield, as a way of focusing on the positives and steering away from the negatives of chronic illness. Comebacks are totally possible in any situation and in fact, your life can become better as a result of your setback and this podcast is all about interviewing those who have proven this...
The Chronic Comeback
How Sarah Fully Healed Herself From 10 Years of Chronic Conditions including IBS & Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
In this week's episode, I'm joined by Sarah Harvey, a Bodymind & Metaphysics Coach, who shares her amazing story of making a full recovery, after suffering for almost 10 years with over 200 chronic symptoms. We discuss how humans have an innate ability to heal, the role trauma plays in chronic illness, the blocks people can have to healing, shifts in mindset and how you view your symptoms, and the importance of not waiting until you are healed to live your life (because that's all part of the healing.)
00:00 - Episode Intro by Phil
1:10 - Intro to Sarah and her story, from when she left home at 15 to getting so sick she was bed bound, to being full recovered now
6:50 - The symptoms Sarah was experiencing and her search for diagnosis and treatment
11:33 - Sarah's discovery of ayuvedic philosophy, and Louise Hay's work, and how this led her to discover the link between trauma and chronic health
14:11 - Sarah’s upbringing and her home life, and the events that led her to leaving home at 15
16:36 - Phil’s recent Psilocybin retreat and some realisations he had in it
18:22 - The importance of accountability without self-blame and judgement and criticism.
20:33 - Sarah’s experience of being homeless at age 15
23:34 The link between trauma and chronic illness, and breaking down the definition of what ’trauma’ is
25:53 - How Sarah now perceives her symptoms and the shift into having a different relationship with your body and seeing it as your friend
27:25 - How healing is happening, and the process of inviting yourself to heal and looking at any fears around this
32:00 - How healing is an ongoing process and can relate to all parts of your life, and the importance of living your life WHILE you’re healing, not waiting to heal.
39:35 - How taking steps to healing, whether it’s investing money or time etc, is progress in itself, as it’s telling your inner self you’re worth it
46:31 - Sarah’s tip for one thing you can do to start your healing journey (for free)
48:54 - How her chronic illness has affected Sarah’s relationships
51:59 - Sarah’s advice to people struggling with their health at the moment and struggling to know they can heal
Louise Hay: "You Can Heal Your Life"
Louise Hay: "Heal Your Body"
Louise Hay: "The Power Is Within You"
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Remember, the comeback is always greater than the setback 💪💪💪
#thechroniccomeback #chronicillness #podcast #sarahharvey #mindbodyhealing #traumahealing #recoverystory #recoveryispossible #fibromyalgia #pots #chronicfatigue #chronicfatiguesyndrome #cfs #ibs