The Chronic Comeback
Welcome to the Chronic Comeback Podcast channel. This podcast was set up by me, Phil Hadfield, as a way of focusing on the positives and steering away from the negatives of chronic illness. Comebacks are totally possible in any situation and in fact, your life can become better as a result of your setback and this podcast is all about interviewing those who have proven this...
The Chronic Comeback
Podcasting Our Way To Recovery: What Over 200 Episodes Has Taught Us About Chronic Health and How to Heal From CFS/ME, Lyme Disease, Fibromyalgia & So Much More
In this special episode, I'm joined by Chazmith Newton, host of the Our Power Is Within podcast. Chazmith and I both started our podcasts around the same time and have done over 100 episodes each, and so we decided to come together and share the key insights, lessons and takeaways that we've gained from speaking to the many guests that have been on our shows. There are many synergies to our stories and how our podcasts came about, so it was great to come together and have this conversation.
In this episode, we discuss each of our situations regarding our own health and how our podcasts first came about, and our shared experience surrounding how hearing success stories of people recovering can be both inspirational but also triggering, and how we've had to navigate that in doing our podcasts. We also discuss the many modalities that our guests have had recovered with, including somatic tracking, brain retraining, breathwork, etc. We discuss the importance of having faith in divine timing, cultivating a belief that you will recover, learning to trust your body again, seeking support, and trying to find gratitude within your journey to health.
▶ Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/ourpoweriswithin
▶ Website -https://www.ourpoweriswithin.com
▶ Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/TheChronicComeback
▶ Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/thechroniccomeback
▶ Apple Podcast - https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/the-chronic-comeback/id1533970626
▶ YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCW_BGsN1LaeL4iudgSNUw7A
▶ Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/show/71485tI9o4JPPkg1IpmDaX
#ourpoweriswithin #chazmithnewton #podcasting #healing #chronicfatigue #fibromyalgia #lymedisease #chronichealth #chronicillness #thechroniccomeback #cfs #me #recoverystory